What is Bodywork?

Bodywork is a general term that encompasses any hands on therapy to facilitate wellness. Common forms of bodywork are massage, CranioSacral Therapy, chiropractic care and everything in between.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle touch therapy that helps ease tension in the body. There is a unique emphasis on the head, sacrum, and interconnecting soft tissues. CST allows for the body to do its own shifting, which is why I especially like this modality for infants and sensitive folks. Children and adults who are sensitive to touch, those who have difficulty comfortably receiving massage, or those who haven’t had the desired results from other forms of bodywork may also find a good match with this modality. CST can also be a great vehicle for self growth and inner work. For many people, a less is more approach is powerful. CST is subtle, but deep work!

CST combines a rich knowledge of anatomy and kineseology with sensitive listening hands. The practitioner identifies areas of restriction or reduced movement in the body. The body receives input from the practitioners hands that helps to increase internal awareness and blood flow to the area. In the most basic sense, it’s similar to if a friend put a hand on your shoulder — you may suddenly become aware that your shoulders were hiked up to your ears! You may then start to release the tension and drop your shoulders. Sometimes the areas of restriction are incredibly specific and small, and sometimes it is more broad (like the example given). I very much like the idea of my hands being a flashlight, illuminating what needs attention and letting the body what it needs to do.

For those who would like to learn more, further discussion can be found here:

Upledger Institute—https://www.upledger.com/therapies/faq.php

Bodywork Rates:

  • Adults, $130

  • Infants, $200/$130

    • 1st visit, $200 (75 minutes. Thorough intake, evaluation, treatment, and home care suggestions)

    • Follow-ups, $130 (45-60 minutes. Progress check-in and treatment)

License# MA61140045