Lactation & Bottle Feeding Consultations
Who do we work with? We welcome anyone who would like support in managing the dynamics involved with lactating or infant feeding. Maybe you’re building supply, trying to wean, needing to suppress lactation, not lactating at all, or exclusively bottle feeding. Lactating and/or feeding can look so many different ways, just like families can! In my practice, you do not have to “fit into the box” to be heard, seen, and helped.
These are some common reasons that parents may seek virtual feeding support:
Decoding baby’s behavior
Troubleshoot pain associated with feeding or pumping
Concerns about milk supply
Concerns about infant weight loss or weight gain
Pediatrician has referred you for further support
Bottle feeding assessment/coaching
Learn ways to help baby become a more effective eater
Identify/access helpful community referrals
Design care plans together to address whole family needs
If you do not see your concerns listed above, a consultation may still be valuable. I am happy to discuss your concerns to see if a consultation may be helpful to your situation or if there is a more congruent referral source.
Feeding Consultation Rates:
TELEHEALTH: $150/1hr virtual appointment + portal messaging check-in in the following 2 weeks. You will be sent a personalized care plan and any applicable resources.
Access to care is important to my practice. If my fee is out of reach, please talk to me about what I might have available for payment plans, sliding fee, and no to low cost community referrals.
NEW! Home Visits Available with Erica Swedberg, IBCLC
HOME VISIT: $260, follow-up $200
Comprehensive visit in the comfort of your home. See our page on how to prepare for a home visit here.
Travel Boundaries: North to I-5 and 405 intersect. South to Northgate, and West to highway 99. Eastside to Bellevue as a Southern border.
Meet Erica
My goal as a Lactation Consultant is to hold families in a caring, attuned space during a time that can be full of both joy and difficulty, so gratifying and yet also isolating. I am a forever student – seeking to further my understanding, education, and deepen my skills so that I can better serve those who are seeking care to feed their babies. I live locally with my husband and two children, and 8 ducks. I enjoy gardening, the beauty of the PNW, and going to outdoor concerts. My family is thrilled that I am finally done going to school so don't tell them I plan to study craniosacral therapy next!